
How To Add French Accents In Gmail

Since the commencement of email, users with names that include accents on letters or that include characters in foreign languages accept not been able to use them for messages. Google's Gmail service is now changing that.

Gmail can at present recognize email addresses that include characters with accents on a letter as well as characters in foreign languages. Both developments make for the first time that Gmail can bargain with non-Latin characters in email addresses, co-ordinate to the visitor.

The new Gmail addressing capabilities were unveiled recently by Pedro Chaparro Monferrer, a Google software engineer, in a post on the Official Gmail Blog.

"Whether your email address is firstname.lastname@ or something more expressive like corgicrazy@, an electronic mail accost says something about who you lot are," wrote Monferrer. "But from the offset, email addresses have always required you to apply non-accented Latin characters when signing up."

The problem with that, he wrote, is that "less than half of the world's population has a female parent tongue that uses the Latin alphabet. And fifty-fifty fewer people utilize just the letters A-Z. So if your proper noun (or that of your favorite pet) contains accented characters (like "José Ramón") or is written in another script similar Chinese or Devanagari, your email address options are limited."

Change, however, could exist coming on a global scale, wrote Monferrer. "In 2012, an organization chosen the Internet Engineering Task Forcefulness (IETF) created a new email standard that supports addresses with non-Latin and accented Latin characters. In order for this standard to become a reality, every email provider and every Website that asks you lot for your email address must adopt it. That's obviously a tough hill to climb. The engineering science is there, merely someone has to have the commencement step."

In the meantime, Google's Gmail service is adopting this capability at present, he wrote. "Today nosotros're ready to be that someone. Starting now, Gmail (and before long, Calendar) will recognize addresses that comprise accented or non-Latin characters. This means Gmail users tin can send emails to, and receive emails from, people who have these characters in their email addresses."

Futurity accommodations volition be made for other Google services on a case by instance ground, he wrote. "Of course, this is just a first step and there's however a ways to go. In the future, we want to make information technology possible for you to use them to create Gmail accounts."

Google is often decorated calculation new language capabilities to its many services for users.

In July, Google added translation support for 13 additional languages for Gmail users. This brings the total number of languages supported to 71. The added languages were Afrikaans, Armenian, Azerbaijani cluster (Azerbaijani), Chinese (Hong Kong), French (Canada), Galician, Georgian, Khmer, Lao, Mongolian, Nepali, Sinhala and Zulu. Some of the new languages now supported by Gmail had already been rolled out previously as part of other Google services, including Google Search, Maps, Bulldoze, Docs and YouTube, co-ordinate to Google.

Gmail users employing the email service on the Web or through smartphone browsers can admission the additional languages by adjusting their Gmail account settings. Differences in regional and local use of words will testify up in Gmail, such as the new Chinese (Hong Kong) character for "inbox," which is different from the give-and-take used in Taiwan. Like differences appear for several languages spoken in Republic of india, where Nepali, Marathi, and Hindi are three of the many languages in use. All of these languages use Devanagari characters, but again there are different regionalizations and spellings for words such equally "inbox."

Gmail Recognizes E-mail Address With Accented or Foreign Characters

In December 2013, Google added ix more languages—including five in Africa—to its offerings, raising its support to translations for eighty languages.

The boosted African languages were Hausa, which is spoken in Nigeria and neighboring countries with 35 million native speakers; Igbo, which is spoken in Nigeria with 25 million native speakers; Yoruba, which is spoken in Nigeria and neighboring countries with 28 million native speakers; Somali, which is spoken in Somalia and other countries around the Horn of Africa with 17 1000000 native speakers; and Zulu, which is spoken in South Africa and other southwestern African countries with 10 million native speakers.

Translate as well added language support for Mongolian, which is the official language in Mongolia and is as well spoken in parts of China by 6 million native speakers; Nepali, which is spoken in Nepal and India past 17 million native speakers; and Panjabi, which is spoken in India and Pakistan by 100 one thousand thousand native speakers. As well added was support for Maori, which is spoken in New Zealand past 160,000 native speakers.

In November 2013, Google made its Google Interpret language translation app for Android faster and expanded its coverage to several additional foreign languages, including Malay and Ukranian.

The Translate app, which was introduced in 2010, allows users to speak into an Android device to become a translation into another linguistic communication, or to use a built-in handwriting feature to get translations. Those capabilities are useful for travelers when they are in places where non-native languages are spoken. The latest version of Google Translate includes more language support for the built-in handwriting characteristic, which now gives users the ability to direct write words in Hebrew, Javanese and Esperanto on their devices so they tin be translated on the wing. Users can as well apply the photographic camera translation feature to have a photograph of written text with an Android device and then highlight the words they'd like to be translated.

How To Add French Accents In Gmail,


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