
How To Add An Unread Folder To Outlook

How to add unread mails to favorite folder in Outlook?

Sometimes unread email messages may stay amidst a number of letters, although the Outlook indicates y'all the number of unread e-mail messages, such as Inbox (5), y'all can't find out them at once. Actually yous can collect all unread email letters into a favorite folder, making your working conveniently and rapidly.

The following guidance will assistance yous collect all unread email messages into an Unread Mail folder, and testify the folder in your favorites.

Step 1: Shift to the Mail view by clicking the Mail in the Navigation Pane.

Step 2: Create a new search folder:

  1. In Outlook 2010 / 2013, click the New Search Folder button in the New group on the Folder tab.
  2. In Outlook 2007, click the File > New > Search Folder.

Actually at that place is an alternative method to create a new search folder: right click the Search Folder in Navigation Pane, and click the New Search Folder in the right-click menu.

And this method is bachelor in all of Microsoft Outlook 2007, 2010, and 2013.

Step 2: In the New Search Folder dialog box, select and highlight the Unread mail item, and click OK.

Now an Unread Mail binder is created and shows in the navigation pane. And all unread e-mail letters are collected into this folder automatically. In one case an unread email message is opened, it will be removed from the Unread Mail service binder automatically.

Step 3: Right click the Unread Mail folder, and click the Show in Favorites item in the right-click carte du jour.

Now the Unread Mail binder is copied and added to your favorites at the top of Navigation Pane.

Tip: If you want to add together all unread emails of all accounts to a folder, you can practise as below steps:

1. Printing Alt + F11 keys to enable the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window. And in thursdayeastward Project pane, click Microsoft Outlook Objects > ThisOoutlookSession, and paste below code to right section.

          Public WithEvents OlExplprer As Outlook.Explorer Public WithEvents OlMailItem Every bit Outlook.MailItem Dim xSelMail As MailItem  Private Sub Application_NewMail()    AddAllAccountsUnreadMailsToAFolder    IniEvent End Sub  Public Sub Initialize_handler()     Gear up OlExplprer = Application.ActiveExplorer     If OlExplprer.Pick.Count <> 0 Then         Set OlMailItem = OlExplprer.Selection.Item(ane)     End If Cease Sub  Private Sub OlExplprer_BeforeFolderSwitch(ByVal NewFolder As Object, Cancel Every bit Boolean)  Dim xOlApp As Outlook.Awarding Dim xNameSpace Every bit NameSpace Dim xMailItem, xSelMail Equally MailItem Dim xTargetFld As Folder  On Error Resume Next  Set xOlApp = Outlook.Application Set xNameSpace = xOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")  If NewFolder.Proper name = "Unread Mail service" Then      For Each xMailItem In NewFolder.Items                  If xMailItem.UnRead = False Then                      xMailItem.Delete                  End If          Side by side  Else      For Each xTargetFld In xNameSpace.Folders.Item(1).Folders          If xTargetFld.Name = "Unread Postal service" And so              For Each xMailItem In xTargetFld.Items                                  If (OlExplprer.Selection.Count <> 0) And so                                          Prepare xSelMail = OlExplprer.Selection.Item(1)                          If xSelMail.UnRead And then                          xSelMail.UnRead = Faux                                              Terminate If                                  End If             Adjacent                   Cease If     Adjacent    End If      Abolish = False  Stop Sub  Private Sub OlExplprer_FolderSwitch()  Dim xOlApp As Outlook.Application Dim xNameSpace Equally NameSpace Dim xMailItem Every bit MailItem Dim xAccountFld, xTargetFld, xSubFolder As MAPIFolder Dim xObjItem Every bit Object  On Mistake Resume Next Prepare xOlApp = Outlook.Application Ready xNameSpace = xOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")  Refresh  If (OlExplprer.CurrentFolder.Name <> "Unread Mail") And so      For Each xTargetFld In xNameSpace.Folders.Item(1).Folders          If xTargetFld.Proper name = "Unread Mail" Then              For Each xMailItem In xTargetFld.Items                  If xMailItem.UnRead = Faux Then                      For Each xAccountFld In xNameSpace.Folders                          For Each xSubFolder In xAccountFld.Folders                              If (xSubFolder.Name <> "Deleted Items") And (xSubFolder.Proper noun <> "Drafts") And (xSubFolder.Name <> "Outbox") And (xSubFolder.Proper name <> "Junk E-mail") Then                                  For Each xObjItem In xSubFolder.Items                                      If xObjItem.Class = olMail So                                          If (xObjItem.Subject field = xMailItem.Subject) And (xObjItem.SenderName = xMailItem.SenderName) And _                                            (xObjItem.Body = xMailItem.Torso) And (xObjItem.Attachments.Count = xMailItem.Attachments.Count) And _                                            (xObjItem.SentOn = xMailItem.SentOn) Then                                                                                              xObjItem.UnRead = False                                          End If                                      End If                                  Next                              End If                          Next                      Next                  End If              Adjacent          Finish If      Adjacent  End If  End Sub  Private Sub OlExplprer_SelectionChange()  Dim xOlApp Every bit Outlook.Application Dim xNameSpace As NameSpace  On Error Resume Next Set xOlApp = Outlook.Application Gear up xNameSpace = xOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")  If (OlExplprer.CurrentFolder.Proper name = "Unread Mail") And (OlExplprer.Selection.Count <> 0) Then      SelUnreadMailFld OlExplprer.CurrentFolder.Items, xNameSpace.Folders  Else      If (OlExplprer.CurrentFolder.Name <> "Deleted Items") And (OlExplprer.CurrentFolder.Name <> "Drafts") And _        (OlExplprer.CurrentFolder.Proper name <> "Outbox") And (OlExplprer.CurrentFolder.Name <> "Junk Electronic mail") Then                SelOtherFld xNameSpace.Folders.Item(1).Folders              End If  Stop If  End Sub  Sub SelUnreadMailFld(EMails As Outlook.Items, Flds As Folders)  Dim xMailItem Every bit MailItem Dim xAccountFld, xSubFolder As Folder Dim xObjItem Equally Object On Error Resume Next For Each xMailItem In EMails 'OlExplprer.CurrentFolder.Items      If xMailItem.UnRead = False Then          For Each xAccountFld In Flds              For Each xSubFolder In xAccountFld.Folders                  If (xSubFolder.Name <> "Deleted Items") And (xSubFolder.Proper name <> "Drafts") And (xSubFolder.Proper name <> "Outbox") And (xSubFolder.Name <> "Junk E-mail") Then                      For Each xObjItem In xSubFolder.Items                          If xObjItem.Class = olMail Then                              If (xObjItem.Subject = xMailItem.Subject area) And (xObjItem.SenderName = xMailItem.SenderName) And _                                (xObjItem.Torso = xMailItem.Body) And (xObjItem.Attachments.Count = xMailItem.Attachments.Count) And _                                (xObjItem.SentOn = xMailItem.SentOn) Then                                  If xObjItem.UnRead Then                                      xObjItem.UnRead = Fake                                  Terminate If                              Stop If                          End If                      Next                  End If              Adjacent          Next      End If  Adjacent  End Sub  Sub SelOtherFld(Flds As Folders) Dim xSelItem, xMailItem Equally MailItem Dim xTargetFld Every bit Binder      On Error Resume Side by side If OlExplprer.Pick.Count <> 0 So            Set xSelItem = OlExplprer.Selection.Detail(1)      If xSelItem.UnRead = False Then          For Each xTargetFld In Flds              If xTargetFld.Name = "Unread Mail" Then                  For Each xMailItem In xTargetFld.Items                      If (xSelItem.Bailiwick = xMailItem.Subject) And (xSelItem.SenderName = xMailItem.SenderName) And _                        (xSelItem.Body = xMailItem.Body) And (xSelItem.Attachments.Count = xMailItem.Attachments.Count) And _                        (xSelItem.SentOn = xMailItem.SentOn) Then                          xMailItem.UnRead = Imitation                      End If                  Adjacent              End If         Side by side      End If  Stop If  End Sub   Sub Refresh()    Dim xOlApp As Outlook.Application Dim xNameSpace As NameSpace Dim xTargetFld As MAPIFolder Dim xAllUnreadMails As Integer  On Mistake Resume Next Prepare xOlApp = Outlook.Awarding Set xNameSpace = xOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")  xAllUnreadMails = AllUnreadMails()  For Each xTargetFld In xNameSpace.Folders.Detail(1).Folders      If xTargetFld.Name = "Unread Post" Then          If xAllUnreadMails <> xTargetFld.Items.Count And then                          AddAllAccountsUnreadMailsToAFolder                          Exit For                  End If          End If      Side by side  End Sub  Part AllUnreadMails()  Dim xOlApp Every bit Outlook.Awarding Dim xNameSpace As NameSpace Dim xAllUnreadMails As Integer  On Error Resume Side by side Prepare xOlApp = Outlook.Application Prepare xNameSpace = xOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")  xAllUnreadMails = 0 For Each xFolders In xNameSpace.Folders     For Each xSubFolder In xFolders.Folders          If xSubFolder.Name <> "Unread Postal service" Then            If (xSubFolder.Name <> "Deleted Items") And (xSubFolder.Name <> "Drafts") And (xSubFolder.Name <> "Outbox") And (xSubFolder.Name <> "Junk Eastward-postal service") So           For Each xObjItem In xSubFolder.Items                  If xObjItem.Class = olMail Then                     If xObjItem.UnRead Then                                  xAllUnreadMails = xAllUnreadMails + 1                     Terminate If                  Cease If          Next                   End If            End If     Next  Side by side  AllUnreadMails = xAllUnreadMails Stop Function                  

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2. Then insert a new Module, and paste beneath code to the Module script.

          Public Sub AddAllAccountsUnreadMailsToAFolder() Dim xOlApp As Outlook.Application Dim xNameSpace As NameSpace Dim xFolders, xSubFolder Every bit MAPIFolder Dim xObjItem As Object Dim xDelFld As Folder Dim xUnreadMailFld, xOldUnreadMailFld Equally Folder Dim xCopiedItem, xMailItem Equally MailItem  On Error Resume Next Set xOlApp = Outlook.Application Set xNameSpace = xOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")  For Each xOldUnreadMailFld In xNameSpace.Folders.Particular(1).Folders     If xOldUnreadMailFld.Name = "Unread Mail" And so         xOldUnreadMailFld.Delete         Exit For     End If Side by side  For Each xDelFld In xNameSpace.Folders.Item(ane).Folders     If xDelFld.Proper name = "Deleted Items" Then         For Each xMailItem In xDelFld.Items             xMailItem.Delete         Next         For Each xSubFolder In xDelFld.Folders         'For i = xDelFld.Folders.Count To 1 Step -ane             xSubFolder.Delete         Adjacent     Cease If Next  Set xUnreadMailFld = xNameSpace.Folders.Particular(i).Folders.Add("Unread Post") If xUnreadMailFld = cypher Then     Leave Sub End If   For Each xFolders In xNameSpace.Folders     For Each xSubFolder In xFolders.Folders          If xSubFolder.Name <> xUnreadMailFld.Name And then            If (xSubFolder.Proper name <> "Deleted Items") And (xSubFolder.Name <> "Drafts") And (xSubFolder.Proper noun <> "Outbox") And (xSubFolder.Name <> "Junk Electronic mail") Then           For Each xObjItem In xSubFolder.Items                  If xObjItem.Class = olMail Then                     If xObjItem.UnRead Then                                    Ready xCopiedItem = xObjItem.Copy                       xCopiedItem.Move xUnreadMailFld                     Cease If                  Cease If          Next                   End If            End If     Side by side  Side by side  IniEvent  End Sub  Public Sub IniEvent() Dim xFld Equally ThisOutlookSession Set xFld = ThisOutlookSession xFld.Initialize_handler End Sub        

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iii. Run the code named AddAllAccountsUnreadMailsToAFolder. And then all unread emails accept been put a folder named Unread Mail.
doc all news in a folder 3

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How To Add An Unread Folder To Outlook,


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